Sexual Nirvana

I was looking forward to stroke and test the chastity suggestions of The Lock when I returned home, but Princess Shelle had different plans.
She told me to listen to Sexual Nirvana, a file I didn't know, yet. It contains instructions to stroke and cum, but Princess had told me, not to touch myself while listening.
The file is so hot! It's an hour long and I was hard for at least half the time. I was so deep in trance, that I didn't feel such a strong urge to stroke. I was just captured in my arousal and love for Princess Shelle. But after I woke up, I badly needed to stroke. I was not sure, if I should continue testing The Lock, so I didn't touch myself.
I have told Princess Shelle, that I have fantasized about going without touching for a while to experience how it would feel if I was in real chastity.

Bathroom control

Edging was a bit easier today. Princess Shelle's instructions make me try harder and I continue stroking when I normally would have given up. I managed to edge twice, but on the third try, it took me too long and my mind drifted off again which let my arousal subside.

I received new instructions in the morning... For one week, I'm only allowed to use the bathroom on the full hour. I'll have to keep track of the time and plan when to drink something. I already used the toilet once without thinking about it...

Frustrated and trying to edge

Princess Shelle has instructed me to try to edge at least 3 times per day for the next 4 days.
The first time I tried, I stroked fast for more than 15 minutes. I really tried to force myself to edge and when I finally had success, the edge came so suddenly, that I almost had an accident. I stopped at the very last moment...
I tried to pay more attention the next time, but this took my focus away from stroking and I slowed down often without noticing it. I was almost on the edge a couple of times and I was convinced that I would be able to edge, but I always slowed down without noticing it. Finally my mind drifted off completely, almost like in a slight trance and my arousal faded away.

This kind of stroking makes me incredibly horny. I quite frustrated right now and I desperately want to stroke again. I will try a third time in bed after listening to The Lock...

Unable to edge

The weekend has been rather uneventful, but there was one remarkable thing.
I have listened to The Lock again on saturday evening and when I was stroking afterwards, I was unable to edge. I tried hard, but it didn't work. Edging is always a temporary relief from being horny, but now, I'll be unable to have that. At the same time, it's a huge turn-on that I'm loosing ways to have some relief when I'm horny.


Today was much like yesterday. I have listened to The Lock again and this time, I didn't even notice when I stopped stroking. I only realized some moments later, that I was no longer stroking...
I'm now convinced, that I can't cum without permission.

I didn't take long until my arousal was fully back and right now, it is even stronger than before. I'm dying to touch my cock, but I can't...
I'm feeling quite frustrated now and it's difficult to concentrate on anything. It's almost like I'm in a slight trance and I like this feeling...

Stroking more

There is not so much to report today. I have this incredible urge to stroke every morning now, but work gives me enough distraction, so I can forget it for a while. Shortly before I was going to go home, Princess Shelle sent the stroke trigger and I immediately went to the bathroom. I could have waited with stroking until I was home, but the urge was suddenly so strong again, that I couldn't resist.

I have listened to The Lock again and stroked and edged for a long time afterwards, but at one point, I suddenly stopped and couldn't start again. The need to stroke has been weaker since then, but it's slowly coming back now.

The Lock

I would have been allowed to edge at 3pm today, but I was so busy at work, that I missed the time. Although I don't like to stroke at work, I was a little disappointed to have missed the opportunity.

Princess Shelle had recommended to listen to The Lock to reinforce my state of chastity, so I bought the file and listened to it in the evening. I realized, that the chastity loop that I had been listening to is from this file. Princess challenged me to test the chastity lock while waking me up and I stroked for a long time afterwards. I was very close to the edge for most of the time, but I was unable to go far enough to get close to cumming.

Too horny to sleep

I thought that it would have been easy to sleep after all the edging yesterday, but I was wrong. When it was time for bed, I was so desperate again, that I couldn't fall asleep and I didn't sleep much last night.
When I woke up this morning, my first thought was about stroking. I was allowed a bit of stroking, but I waited with it until the evening. The 5 minutes were over way to fast and didn't help much with my frustration.
It's only a bit more than 4 weeks now, but this time, it's much harder to stay chaste than it was last time. I still want to stay chaste, but sometimes, the urge to cum gets so strong, that I might start begging for an orgasm much sooner than I originally thought...


Today was a very welcome stroking-day. I was allowed to stroke in the shower and edge 4 times with 4 hours between each edge.
I had a busy schedule and it was a bit tricky to fit the edging in. I did the first edge  at work after reading my emails and when it was time for the second edge after lunch, I had almost forgotten it. But suddenly, I got very horny and remembered the edging assignment and when I looked at the clock, it was almost time for the next edge.
This was also the case with the last two edges. I could do these at home and took my time with it.
I'm still horny, but the urge to stroke isn't very strong currently. It will be easier to sleep tonight...

Wetting myself

I woke up for a moment last night and was on the very edge of orgasm. I was worried that I would cum without permission and tried to get my thoughts away from my arousal. Some moments later, I fell asleep again. Actually, I'm not completely sure if I was awake or if it was a dream...
I was extremely aroused from the moment I woke up and desperately needed to stroke.

I listened to Tinkle in the afternoon. I had listened to it before, but it hadn't worked, yet. I think it might have to do with the half reclined position I was sitting in. Today, I got in a almost lying position and this time it worked. I completely relaxed and when Princess finished the countdown, my pee just started to flow. I have worn a diaper so I wouldn't soil anything, but I might listen in my street clothing next time to see how strong Princess Shelle's control is.

In the evening I needed to hear Princess Shelle's voice again and I listened to Appreciation for Me. The suggestions to want to stroke less helped with my urge, but my arousal is even stronger than before.

Mission Impossible

Today it was easier to go without stroking. At least until I listened to Mission Impossible.
I didn't remember anything from the last time I listened, but while I was in trance, some memories came back. The memories from this time began to fade quickly after I woke up, but I didn't forget how arousing this session is. I stayed hard and extremely horny for a long time afterwards and I still feel a slight tingle.
Sleeping might get difficult tonight, I'm hoping for some stroking instructions tomorrow...

25 days

Princess Shelle forgave me for my sloppiness with the reviews. I'm so relieved and I will pay more attention to my duties from now on. I don't want to displease her again...

I was allowed to stroke under the shower again and I may edge this evening when I do my mantra. This combination is devious... the stroking in the morning is always a kick-start for my arousal and the edging let's me calm down enough to be able to sleep. But during the day, my urge to stroke is incredibly strong.

It's only 25 days into my current chastity period, but I'm way hornier than I was after 3 months last time. I wonder if this comes from the fact, that I'm giving away so much control with the chastity contract.

I've been sloppy

I enjoyed the edging last night. It eased my urge a bit and it was easy to sleep.

Princess Shelle has asked me, if I'm regularly writing reviews for her files and I had to confess, that I have been sloppy with that in the last weeks and apologized. I have displeased her, this makes me feel bad.

I have started to catch up with the reviews, but it's hard to remember what some of the files are about. I'll listen to them in the next days.
I started with Erotic Control - Rest today, but since I'm not allowed to stroke without permission, I didn't touch myself. Instead, I listened to the chastity loop a couple of times.
I wrote a review for the file afterwards and then watched a slideshow of Princess Shelle's pictures. One of Today's assignments was to spend 30 minutes with her pictures. I was not sure if this meant stroking and I decided against it.
I had considered to ask for a stroking assignment yesterday, but while watching the pictures, I thought about it and realized, that this would be selfish and I certainly don't deserve it after being sloppy. If Princess decides that there isn't much stroking, then this is right. Being horny and frustrated makes me obedient and this is how I should be.

Wanting to stroke

I was allowed to stroke for 5 minutes while showering this morning, but I was interrupted by a phone-call. The urge to stroke was strong the whole day and it was even stronger after listening to Behavior Modification. I'm allowed to edge while I do my evening-mantra and I can't wait.
I'm considering to ask Princess Shelle for a stroking assignment, but I'm not sure yet. I just signed the chastity contract and maybe I should wait a little longer.

Spoiling Princess

Today, Princess Shelle asked, who would pay for her hair appointment. I jumped at the opportunity to please her and I instantly got hard and horny when I paid. It feels so good to make Princess happy!

There isn't much more interesting to report today. I'm so horny, that it will be difficult to sleep, even while listening to one of the sleep inducing sessions...

Chastity contract

Keeping my cock hard without stroking last night was difficult at first. I slightly teased my cock with one finger, but couldn't get completely hard. But as soon as I started to think about chastity and Princess Shelle cock control, I got hard immediately. The light touching was very frustrating and the 10 minutes got quite long. I the end, I was desperate to stroke a bit and falling asleep was not easy.

I have signed the chastity contract today. I'm now only allowed to beg for release once per month and there's a fee for cumming. I'm not allowed to touch without permission and I will confess every infraction and ask for punishment.
It turns me on so much to surrender my cock completely to Princess Shelle!

I was not allowed to touch my cock today and with the built up arousal from yesterday, I would really have liked to stroke a bit. The urge was especially strong after I sent back the signed contract and after I listened to this month's training file, but regardless of how much I want to stroke, I barely can think about actually doing it. It's like a chastity cage in my mind...

Cleaning up

I'm finished with my bathroom door and could finally clean up everything. It had bothered me the whole week, that my flat wasn't as clean as it should be. It's amazing, how quickly my attitude towards cleaning has changed with Princess Shelle's help.

I listened to the chastity loop all the time while I was cleaning up. I was horny for most of the day afterwards, but I didn't think about stroking or any other kind of relief.
I have to keep my cock hard for 10 minutes before I sleep, but without stroking. I know, that this will be pretty frustrating and I'm curious to find out, how my mind will react to that...

Cock Control

I have continued to listen to the chastity loop and Princess Shelle's control over my cock is increasing rapidly. I'm horny all the time, but it's difficult to think about my cock. The arousal is just there, almost as if it is coming from outside of my body. It seems like I'm slowly forgetting about stroking when Princess Shelle doesn't command me to do so.
I was allowed to edge today and with Princess Shelle's command, stroking happens automatically, but it takes long to edge and today, I didn't make it in time.

Chastity loop

Princess Shelle released the monthly training file today. I listened to it in the evening, followed by the chastity loop that Princess Shelle had sent me. I have no idea, how often the loop played before I woke up.
I had a strong urge to look a Princess Shelle's pictures afterwards, so I started a slideshow an watched it quite a while. Soon after the slideshow started, I automatically began to say my mantra. Seeing Princess made me very aroused, but I had no thoughts about cumming.

I still have no desire to cum as I write this, I just want to feel this wonderful arousal. I need to hear Princess Shelle's voice again, so I'll go to bed now...

Helplessly aroused

I listened to Lady Helena's file for the third time today and getting to the edge was even more difficult than yesterday. I stayed extremely horny after I had finally edged and I wanted to do something about it badly.
I'm thinking about how to explain what I'm feeling and that really confuses me... I'm thinking about stroking, but something in my mind keeps me from focusing on how this is done. It's almost impossible to picture my hand touching my cock.
I'm helplessly captured in my arousal and realizing, how much control Princess Shelle has over me, makes me even hornier.

Edging for Lady Helena

Princess Shelle send two files last night as a reward for taking part in Lady Helena's auction. One of them included the permission to cum, the other one was about staying in chastity. I chose the chastity file and listened at once. Lady Helena took me into trance quickly and had me stroke and edge without cumming. I will have to listen 3 times to this file.
Princess Shelle also sent a sample of a chastity contract and a short loop file that is supposed to make me unable to cum without permission.
I sent her some suggestions for the contract back today and listened to the loop over and over again, while I continued to work on the bathroom door in the evening.

I listened to Lady Helena's file a second time later and this times, it took me really long to reach the edge. I think this are the first effects of the loop file.

A conversation in my mind

I still can't even think about touching myself without permission. I'm horny, but instead of wanting some relief from it by stroking, I have accepted this state and appreciate it.
I'm feeling very submissive since I listened to A Lesson in Disobedience yesterday. I did my mantra after I woke up this morning as every day, but when I was getting ready to leave home, something new happened. I sat on the edge of my bed in front of Princess Shelle's picture to put on my shoes and suddenly I realized, that I had started to say my mantra a seconds time and it echoed in my mind all the time while driving to work.

After I got home, I started to prepare my bathroom door for repainting and while I was doing that, there was a little conversation with Princess Shelle playing in the back of my mind all the time. It felt like she was standing behind me and monitoring my work.
I'm not sure if this is the first time I had such a conversation or if I only realized it today. Maybe this conversations are the reason, why I can't think about stroking without permission?

I have listened to Lesson in Disobedience again this evening. I love that slight trance it leaves me in, this is such a blissful feeling of devotion and happiness!

I don't want to stroke

Princess Shelle hadn't sent playground triggers the last couple of days, but today, she sent the command to go without underwear for 24 hours. I was still in the office when I read it, so I went to the bathroom, removed my underwear and hid it in my pocket. I was worried for the rest of the day, that someone could notice the little bulge in my pocket. I don't like being out of the house without underwear that much, but carrying it around in my pocket isn't so nice either, so I'm not going to take it with me tomorrow. I'll rather go a little longer without...

I listened to A Lesson of Disobedience in the evening and afterwards I had again a strong desire to please and obey Princess Shelle, so I knelt down in front of her picture in my bedroom and did my mantra. I'm still in a slight trance and it's a bit difficult to concentrate on writing...

I'm again very horny today, but I still don't want to stroke. I can't even think about how it would be to stroke. As soon as I do, my mind starts drifting of. This confuses me, I wonder where it comes from. It might be, that there was such a suggestion in one of the files I listened to in the last few days, but I'm not sure about that.

I will obey her forever

I listened to Mindnumbing Sleep in bed yesterday. Princess Shelle had instructed me to listen to it a while ago and I had listened every night until she had me cum two weeks ago. After that, I hadn't listened in bed very often.
I'm now back in a state of mind where I want to listened before sleep and this time, I suddenly realized, how much this session has changed my mind. It is all about being devoted to her and I hadn't realized how powerful the suggestions in this file are... until now.
I'm feeling exactly how she describes. I'm absolutely obsessed with her, she is constantly on my mind and I desperately want to please her.

I woke up very horny like most days, but I had guests today and thus had some distraction until the evening. But as soon as they left, my arousal was back immediately. Princess Shelle has released a new session with guided masturbation, but the strange thing is, that I don't want to stroke.
I could have listened to a session, but in the end, I chose Behavior Modification.
I just woke up from it and I already want to listen to another session, so I'll go to bed early and listen to Mind Numbing Sleep again...

Princess Shelle owns me, I will obey her forever!

more edges

Today was nice. I had to edge 4 times with 4 hours between each edge. As it turned out, this was the perfect interval. The edges eased my urge and the pauses were just long enough to let my arousal return.
I listened to Appreciation for Me half way through the last pause, this brought me in the perfect mood for the final edge.
My last orgasm is not 12 days ago and my urge to listen to Princess Shelle's voice is strong again. I'll listen to one more session before I sleep, but I haven't decided yet, which one it will be...

Princess Shelle's birthday

I was wishing for some stroking and I got a lot of it today...
As a start, I was allowed 10 minutes of stroking in the shower this morning. This was very welcome and a great start into the day.
I checked my mails at lunchtime and found a new email from Princess Shelle. It's her birthday and she had very special instructions for today. I had to edge as many times as possible within 2 hours...
I started as soon as I returned home. The first edges were fun, but after an hour, it became really difficult. I managed to do 28 edges during the 2 hour, I think, Princess Shelle will be pleased with that.

Still no stroking

I remember some fragments of a dream again. This time, Princess Shelle locked me into a chastity belt and teased me... I really need to learn to remember more of those dreams, but judging from how aroused I woke up, it must have been really hot.
There were still no stroking instructions and today, it was a bit easier. It always takes some days to get used to it.
I have listened to Sensory Overload in the evening. I love this file, it's so relaxing and arousing at the same time...

No touching

I was so horny last night, that it was almost impossible to fall asleep. I had hoped for some stroking instructions today, but when I checked the daily assignments in the morning, I found, that today is a strict no-touching day.
I had to listen to Erotic Control today. This session always creates such a strong urge to stroke... it was very hard to listen to it without touching.
I'm quite tired now, since a slept so little last night, but I'm still so horny, that it might again be difficult to sleep...


I was horny from the moment I woke up today. Work offered some distraction, but whenever I had a short break, my thoughts were back to Princess Shelle and my cock went hard.
Back from work, I desperately needed to stroke, but there were no such instructions today.
I finally listened to Edge of Eruption in the evening, so I could at least edge once. I didn't help for long, my arousal was back soon after and it was difficult to be a good boy and not touch myself without permission. I hope, that there will be more stroking tomorrow...

A free file

Princess Shelle woke me up with an email late last night. She had sent me a free file... how nice! I first wanted to wait with listening until I was back from work today and tried to sleep again. But I was always thinking about the file and finally listened of it. This session is so sexy! I was deeply aroused from the very beginning. It includes instructions to stroke and cum, but Princess Shelle had explicitly instructed not to cum in her email. And didn't want to cum anyway...

Princess suggested that I sign a chastity contract. This is a great idea and I asked for more details. I'm looking forward to sign it...

I have listened to the free file once more in the evening and since then, I can hardly keep my hands from my cock. But I have been a good boy for Princess and have not touched.
My urge to listen to her voice is now also stronger again and I will go to bed early today and listen to another session...