Happy New Year

a bit late, but: Happy New Year to all my readers!!!

I have used the quiet time between Christmas and New Year to improve my remote control system. I'm working on a scripting system that will allow me control it's functions in conjunction with a playlist of hypnosis files, but most of all, i have build a much better nipple puller...

the old one was mounted to my bed, but the new one isn't stationary any more and it get's strapped to my chest and i'm only limited be the cable.
Besides that, it's crazy strong! The stepper-motor i used is totally overkill, but i had that one in a drawer... i tested with a weight of 5kg and it could lift it without any problems. I think, the aluminum bar will bend before the motor reaches it's limit...

I couldn't make myself go so far to have it pull the clover-clamps off my nipples while i was testing, but i'm sure that will be no problem at all (ouch!).
I can't wait to try it in a session (or rather have it tried on me), although i'm pretty sure, that Lady Helena will prove that it can pull the clamps off... i'm excited by the thought of being unable to stop Her as much as it scares me...

Like every week, Domina Shelle released a new file on Saturday. It's difficult to write about it, because Subliminized is like the title suggests, a subliminal programming. After putting me in deep trance by waking me up and dropping me down repeatedly, Domina's voices faded and i was left alone with Her whispers. At first, i tried to understand Her words, but soon, i zoned out too uch to follow. There are strong amnesia suggestions in this file, so i have no recollection of what She did and whenever i try, the few memories i have dissolve. I can only tell, that i felt totally relaxed and very cozy, almost like after waking up for the first time in the morning and altering between sleep and being awake.
I woke up in a happy state, knowing that i didn't have to worry about what She did. She said, that there will be a second subliminal session (i'm not even sure if that was part of the first one or anywhere else) and i'm looking forward to be Her hypnotic subject again!

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